Train Travel in and to Austria

Rail Travel in Austria

Trains in Austria/Types of Train

Austria Rail Tickets and Passes from North America and the UK

Trains from London

Trains at Innsbruck Station, Innsbruck, Austria.Trains at Innsbruck Station, Innsbruck, Austria

Trains in Austria

The Austrian railway system is run by Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB - Austrian Federal Railways) [tel. 05 17 17;].
Austrian trains are spotlessly clean and punctual and travelling by rail is a pleasant experience.
There are first and second class seats on the network which includes most towns of any size.
A snack bar or a dining car is generally available on express trains.

Fares are calculated by distance. Tickets (Fahrschein) are bought at the station (Bahnhof [Bf] or Hauptbahnhof [Hbf]). If a station is unmanned buy a ticket from the conductor on the train, in other cases if you buy a ticket on the train there is an extra charge.

Train in InnsbruckInnsbruck Station

Types of Trains In Austria

InterCity [IC]: comfortable trains with (often) a telephone, bar, restaurant, lounge.
InterCity Night [ICN]: first class (beds & included breakfast) and tourist class (reclining seats) on these night trains. Restaurant and bistro car. Reservations are required.
InterCity Express [ICE]: high-speed trains (175mph/280kph).
EuroCity [EC]: these trains connect with other European countries and offer a comparable level of service as IC.
EuroNight [EN]: these night trains connect with other European countries in overnight services.
The above trains are the fastest trains on the Austrian network, next come:
Schnellzug [D] and Eilzug [E], which stop more frequently and Regionalzug which are local trains stopping at all stations.

Austrian train.

There are several private railways in Austria:
Graz-Köflacher Bahn (Graz to Köflach; Graz to Wies-Ebiswald)
Montafonerbahn (Bludenz to Schruns)
Murtalbahn (Unzmarkt to Tamsweg via Murau)
Raab-Oedenburg Ebenfurter Eisenbahn (Ebenfurth to Sopron)
Salzburger Lokalbahn (Salzburg Lokalbahnhof to Lamprechtshausen/Trimmelkam)
Steiermärkische Landesbahnen (Gleisdorf to Weiz, Feldbach to Bad Gleichenberg, Peggau to Deutschfeistritz- Übelbach, Unzmarkt to Tamsweg)
Wiener Lokalbahnen: (Wien Oper - Baden Josefsplatz(
Zillertalbahn (Jenbach to Mayrhofen)

Smaller still are the mountain railways:
Achenseebahn (steam trains from Jenbach to Maurach)
Schafbergbahn (steam/diesel trains from St Wolfgang up to the Schafberg peak)

Innsbruck Station.Innsbruck Station.Innsbruck Station.

Austria Rail Tickets and Passes from North America

Austrian Railpass offers unlimited train travel on the ÖBB network and most local railways on the days chosen within the period of validity.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 days of unlimited travel within a 15-day period.
Children aged 6-11 plus children under 6 who require a seat travel at 50% of the adult fare. Pass holders must still pay supplements for: seat reservations and sleeper / couchettes

VORTEILScard (photo required) offers up to 50% discount (45% discount plus an extra 5% if booked online) on the ÖBB network and most private railways
VORTEILScard26 (under 26 years) offers up to 50% discount on the ÖBB network and most private railways
VORTEILScard Senior (men over 65 years; women over 65 years) offers up to 50% discount on the ÖBB network and most private railways
VORTEILScard Family Children under 15, accompanied by at least one parent or grandparent, travel free of charge as long as one of the parents holds a VORTEILScard.

The VORTEILScard can be booked at all major Austrian train stations with a passport and photo or online from

Austria-Switzerland Pass Unlimited 1st class train travel for 4 days within a 2 month period on the Austrian ÖBB network and the Swiss SBB network. Similar, cheaper version for 2nd class train travel for people under 26.

Austria Rail Tickets and Passes from the UK & Europe

Austrian train.Austrian train ticket machine.

Apart from travel agents, the International Rail Centre at Victoria Station, London has information and passes as well as major rail stations throughout Europe. [tel. 0870 5 848 848].

Inter-Rail passes are available for people under 26 (who have been resident in Europe for over 6 months). It allows for 12 or 22 days unlimited travel in any one of 8 European zones or longer for travel in more than one rail zone.

The Eurodomino Pass available for European citizens allows travel flexibility in any one of 28 countries in Europe and North Africa. It allows you anything from 3 to 8 days unlimited travel within a one month period on the entire rail network of your chosen country, as well as reduced fares for people under 26 and over 60. The price may vary slightly from country to country.

Train in InnsbruckTrains at Innsbruck Station

Trains to Austria from London

From Waterloo Station, London and after 2007 London St. Pancreas, the Eurostar trains to Paris operate all year on a 24-hour basis. Change at Paris for trains to Austria (approx 15 hours from Paris; 20 hours from London). Alternatively take a Eurostar train to Brussels, with a change in Cologne.
Eurostar reservations from the UK: 0870 530 0003 Eurostar reservations from France: 08-36-35-35-39

Train in InnsbruckTrains in Austria

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