South Africa Travel: Rand Currency Conversion

South African Rand Currency Conversion

South African Rand.Rand

South Africa's currency is the Rand (code: ZAR; symbol R), which is sub-divided into 100 cents (code: c). The coins are 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents; R1, R2, R5. Notes are in denominations of R10, R20, R50, R100 and

The Rand was first introduced in the 1960s to replace the South African Pound. The present Rand notes in circulation have images of the Big Five animals.

All prices in South Africa are now rounded to the nearest 5 cents. Beware of possible forgeries of the 200 Rand note.

Currency Conversion

From South African Rand

To South African Rand

Many thanks to for providing the data for this currency listing.

Major Banks in South Africa

The Standard Bank of South Africa
Nedcor Bank
First National Bank of Southern Africa
Investec Bank

Changing Money in South Africa

Most international credit and debit cards can be used to withdraw money from ATMs in South Africa, which are 24/7 in the large cities such as Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. A credit card is a necessity for car rental in South Africa. USD and GBP cheques can be accepted in South Africa. Travelers checks are a useful back-up in case of loss or theft. The most useful credit cards to carry in South Africa are Visa and Mastercard.

Banking hours in South Africa are 9am-3.30pm Monday to Friday and 9am-11am on Saturdays. Some hotels in South Africa can also exchange money.

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